Posts in culture
Hypercycle's Guide to Community-Centric Cultural Strategy and Trendcasting Versus Forecasting

Welcome to an exclusive look into two key explorations from my recent report, Hypercycle, navigating authenticity in a post-trend world.

We'll examine the importance of community-centric cultural strategies and delve into the distinction between trendcasting and trend forecasting.

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The Great Slowdown: A Call for Mental Space

The Great Slowdown​ article offers an edited overview of my monthly column TOMORROW for Spur. Welcome to April's issue! In case you don't know, I write and contribute to publications and reports. Spur is one of the leading fashion magazines in Japan. My column has come out in newsstands since 2022.

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Inspire Inclusion with the RSA & Freaks of Nurture

Hypercycle - The full report is now live.

Our joint report with Gung Ho is a navigation tool for facing our tenuous relationship with trends in what feels like a chaotic moment in culture.

We've confused trend virality with trend validity and many other aspects of how trends can function to create preferable futures for people and the planet, not serve hype.

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